International Languages and Cultures Scholarships and Awards
History is dedicated to supporting our students. A range of scholarship and awards opportunities are available for both admitted incoming freshmen and continuing History majors. Please review the requirements carefully for each scholarship listed below.
How do I apply for a scholarship?
- Apply to 澳门新普京注册 to be admitted if you have not already.
- Review the requirements carefully for each scholarship in the list below.
- Apply for a scholarship through the scholarships portal.
- Make sure to upload all required materials to the portal with your application.
Questions? Contact:
for french, german, and spanish majors
Awarded to a student in a summer study abroad in French, German, or Spanish who demonstrates academic excellence and student engagement with their academic program.
Established in 2012 to support outstanding majors participating in one of the program's summer study abroad programs. Each year one award is given to a major from each concentration (French, German, Spanish) selected by the faculty from that concentration.
Awarded annually to an outstanding student majoring in the English, Philosophy, History, and International Languages.
Awarded to a student of academic excellence within the program.
Awarded to a full-time student majoring in a foreign language, preference to competent, quiet, and modest students, determined by faculty, with a preference to students planning careers as foreign language teachers.
Awarded on a rotating basis to an upper division student majoring in French, Spanish, then German with good academic standing.
for french majors
Awarded annually to undergraduate student or student selected by the French faculty based on academic achievement, leadership, and participation in program activities, demonstrated interest in French, and potential for using French in future career, with preference given to students with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher who are majoring or minoring in French and have been accepted to the study abroad program in France.
for german majors
Provides needs-based tuition support for 澳门新普京注册 students to cover the required tuition to study German as a major or minor
Provides needs-based tuition to support 澳门新普京注册 students to cover the required tuition to participate in the 澳门新普京注册 German Program's study abroad in Vienna, Austria.
for spanish majors
Awarded to a student majoring in Spanish who has completed a Spanish literature course with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Awarded annually to a student who is a 澳门新普京注册 Spanish major and has a 3.0 GPA or higher, with a preference for students who have a financial need. The Shackelfords do prefer this scholarship is awarded to a student studying Spanish on the 澳门新普京注册 campus and not for studying abroad.
Supports a semester or year long study abroad in Spain or other Spanish speaking country with preference given to 澳门新普京注册 sponsored program. Eligible applicants should be 澳门新普京注册 students who are Spanish majors with preference given to Spanish certification majors, maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.